Arts Work Studios/Show Space/Small Business Consultant Office
& Jewellery Bench Rental
Show Space
As a Mini Gallery (wall space only):
monthly ($150/month +HST +20% of sales)
Available Wed-Fri 11am to 7pm+ and Sat & Sun 11-5pm+ (during summer Sundays 1-5). Long weekend Sundays closed:
Art Work Studio Space:
(affordably discounted prices for visual artists: painting, sculpt,stained glass, textile, etc.):
plus HST
Specially for Jewellers:
One studio is equipped with a jewellery bench, oxy/propane torch, polishing machine, rolling mill and a few mandrels, blocks, etc. Please enquire.
plus HST
Specially for small, professional businesses such as Massage, Psychology, Tutors, Consultants:
$250 Ten visit Pass
plus HST
Studios are equipped with a sink, and include Wi-fi internet, heat, hydro.
Move from your basement/home studio to a busy retail street and the community hub of Artisans At Work.
Build your brand locally. Start in our space, gain a larger client base from your own marketing, all walk-ins, our website & regular marketing, public events and word of mouth at a fraction of the costs of having your own store right away.
Each 85-90 sqft space is possible to reconfigure to suit each tenant. Put a glass door in to let the public see what you are making, its up to you!
Click on the Pics to Link to our permanent Work Studio tenants.
artisans at work