artisans at work
aaw gallery
Check for current Call for Art posters & free Membership Info.
Please Share the posters on your social media, help spread the word of local art!
No submission fees, no membership fees.
This is an experiment in the support local art.
Help make it a success by promoting these fun shows.
Opening nights have live music by the "Awesome Foursome" (say it in an Australian accent, and it rhymes!), band called The Sidewalkers. Eukelele, mandolin, guitars and the vocal harmonies of Martin, Richard, Darcy and Matt have made our First Friday art openings wild and wonderful!
Upcoming Shows:
Artisans At Work ~ AAW Gallery is now a Members Gallery!
Now accepting new members, starting Jan 2016.
Choose from the following Membership levels:
Cost: Free *
Designed for: Artists new to exhibiting
Requirements: Acceptance subject to jury process & available space
Benefits: 1 submission piece per monthly group shows
Gallery Commision on sales: 50%
Cost: Free *
Designed for: Occasional exhibitors, artists with cohesive series/styles, some experience exhibiting
Requirements: One-time jury of portfolio, acceptance subject to available space
Benefits: May submit up to 2 pieces to monthly group shows
Gallery Commission on sales: 50%
Cost: $50/ month, paid annually *
Designed for: Artists wishing to repeadedly promote their work professionally, artists with cohesive series/styles, lower commissions
Requirements: One-time jury of portfolio
~May submit up to 4 pieces to monthly group shows, Guaranteed space
~May Submit up to 6 pieces once a year, Guaranteed space
~May sit on Show Planning Panel, meeting twice annually to propose future premium exhibitions
Gallery Commission on sales: 35%
Cost: $90/ month, paid annually *
Designed for: Artists with cohesive styles/series, wishing to repeadedly promote their work professionally, wants Solo show, lower commissions
Requirements: One-time jury of portfolio
~May submit up to 4 pieces to monthly group shows, Guaranteed space
~May sit on Show Planning Panel, meeting twice annually to propose future premium exhibitions
~One 2 Week Solo show, including a public talk on their works, process
Gallery Commission on sales: 35%
Website image of your work & link to your website
Cost: $170/ month, paid annually *
Designed for: Artists with cohesive styles/series, wishing to repeadedly promote their work professionally, wants Solo show, lower commissions & Private Studio Workspace
Requirements: One-time jury of portfolio
~May submit up to 4 pieces to monthly group shows, Guaranteed space
~May sit on Show Planning Panel, meeting twice annually to propose future premium exhibitions
~One 2 Week Solo show, including a public talk on their works, process
Gallery Commission on sales: 35%
*6 days/month access to a private Work Studio within studio hours, reserved time slots.
*Extra days: $25/day
Website images of your work & link to your website
*Artists participating in exhibitions bring an appetiser to the opeing reception/First Friday event, with their name tags on it.
A great connector.
*$15 appetiser fee if participating artist don't wish/aren't able to bring one.
*$45 hanging fee for artists who aren't able to attend their opening night with their work.
"Heaps" of Past Shows:
AAWGallery is always accepting submissions for Our Open Calls, all mediums.
Looking for a beautiful space for your own art show? Proposals for future showsare always welcomed.
October: UK Isles Show: England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales: What do they mean to you?
November: Geometric Show
December: Cabinet of Curiosity Show (focus on vintage, eclectic work)
January: Urban Culture Show: All mediums will focus on Cultural Views in a non-traditional way
February: The Artistic Family Show (in honour of Family Day!): All submissions must consist of at least 3 family member's works, maximum 3 each, up to 15 in total,(depending on sizes & mediums).
March: Close Up & Personal Show: Focus on Macro, Personal, Storytelling, capturing the unseen
April: Vintage Show
May: Rosedale School of the Arts Annual Show
The Garden Show, (with North American Native Plant Society-NANPS Plant Sale May 11 and Free talk by John Oyston
June: Square Foot Show
July: Bare Naked Show (not what you think! Or is it?): Focus on Raw materials, Minimalist
August: We Are Toronto- A Portrait & Figurative Show. An Acknowledgement of WHO makes this city vibrant, exciting and a mosaic of culture.
September: DIPF Danforth Independent Photo & Film Fest
Celebrating the local Toronto photographers and filmakers. Docs, feature and shorts. All photo art including stills.
October: Politics: Past Present & Future. Art as Political Statements.
Our musical wunderboys, The Sidewalkers will be playing all their protest folk songs on First Friday!